Reikes small life...

By Reike

Sick dog, again :(

I thought cycling up 1200 height meters would help getting my mind off bad things. Nope.
What really made all thoughts stop were the bloated stomach of my dog, her not wanting to eat, lying down panting for breath when I had taken her home from the dog daycare. Same symptoms as a month ago. The vet got her to throw up the 1.5 kg of dog food that had been sitting in her stomach, happily bloating it up. (That's a tenth of her weight, btw. Imagine eating 6 kg of crisp bread)
They just "didn't watch her for ten minutes after the dog food delivery had arrived", and yes, they had wondered where that food went. They did not say sorry. 
Later on they called me again to tell me "you just can't exclude all the risks", that their vet said a dog's stomach won't burst from too much food and that they are afraid I will now make further accusations in the future. Wait, how come I am the bad one now? 

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