
I went to the gym after dropping the Little Misses off at school. It was a pretty half hearted effort - just ten minutes on the Power Plate. I was tired after my efforts in the lake last night!
I went to Tescos to get some emergency supplies and thankfully discovered I didn't have my purse before I put all the shopping through the till! 
So it was home without teabags, washing tablets and eggs.
Which rather scuppered my plans for sitting down with my feet up for a bit, putting the laundry on and making an omelette for lunch!!
I faffed around for a bit before going to meet Mrs R at Brackley Antiques Centre. We had a look at all the lovely things and I tried - and failed - not to picture them in my new house!
If it all goes through I'll be straight back there!
I took some eBay parcels to the post office and then headed to get the Little Misses.
Tonight was mostly spent dealing with a hysterical Miss E. 
Halfway through the evening she lost her iPad for a week (there are only so many times you can threaten that without following through!) and the second half of the evening was even worse as a result!
She's lucky I don't throw the bloody thing away.

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