On the Wall

What a glorious day it's been. A little taste of Summer!
French was good today. Last week was a bit tough on my own. Today there were two of us and it was so much more relaxing and enjoyable. Hopefully when we go to Normandy in June I'll be able to do more than mumble a few words!
I picked Miss E up at 4pm and we went to Miss L's school (still feels weird writing that!) and hung around until Miss L finished her after school summer sports club. 
Once she'd finished they both climbed on the climbing frame for a bit while I talked to Mrs A although I'd much rather have been talking to one of the other, more interesting mums!!!! and then they played on the field for a bit while I talked to Mrs A and got my first proper look at the lovely baby H born just a couple of weeks ago. Delivered by Daddy!!!
He is tiny and very beautiful. 
And he throws up a lot!!
It's 6pm and the Little Misses are out in the garden planting shallots. 
Planting actual shallots!!

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