Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Spring song

I try to select a photo for my daily Blip that represents the day in some way, something that will bring back a memory when I look back.  So, today was kind of an easy choice when my summer resident House Wren took up position on the top of the cherry tree this morning and burst out in his burbling song.  He sang and sang and sang ...until he was photo-bombed by one of the hummers!  (See Extras tot he right for that shot.)

House wrens occur in the summer throughout most of the US and up into Canada, wintering in the far southern states and Mexico/Central America.  They are also found all year throughout all of S. America.  They are easy to attract with a nest box and some good brush for cover.  And, being insectivores, they are excellent at controlling garden pests in the summer.  In our garden, they raise two broods every summer, using one or more of our nest boxes.  In preparation for attracting a mate, the little male will build as many as 10 nests in cavities/boxes, singing from each one until the female accepts "the one" and starts laying eggs.  If you'd like to hear their joyful, exuberant song, clickHERE and go about halfway down the left side of the page - it's worth a listen!

Cathy and I had to reschedule our walk for tomorrow morning since it was rainy this morning - not great for photos, birds, or people!  Tomorrow should be perfect.

The cats seem to be doing better today ... limited growling although still a lot of stink-eyes.  Last night we let them both have run of the house and, although there was some posturing and "vocals" early, they seemed to settle down, allowing us to sleep.  Charlie is no longer hiding out upstairs and now Phoebe is getting used to seeing him around the house, which is good.  I remain confident that the two will eventually  accept each other.  Stay tuned...

I posted 3 other pics on Flickr, starting HERE - wren, goldfinch/hummer, piggy blue jay.

Happy Hump Day, people.

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