
By HowWonderful

Today I said some sad farewells

I woke up in my cot at the farm for the last time today so I spent an extra few minutes in my cot enjoying the view of the lambs in the field outside.
Mummy and I went out for breakfast with our friends which was really lovely but very sad to say goodbye at the end. Mummy had lots of tears because she will miss her friends and all of their babies lots, I will miss all my little buddies too.
Then we walked to the church to go my cousin Sowena's Christening. I had a lovely time crawling up and down the aisles and climbing on everything I could. We had to dash off straight afterwards as Mummy had some last minute packing to do and I had to spend some last minute quality time with my family.
After some tearful goodbyes to my Nain, Taid and Uncle Tom it was off to the train station. As the train pulled up Mummy got herself ever so upset, she was sad to say goodbye to Aunty zoe and Grampie and also to leave Cornwall, but we are going back to see Daddy and Jasper which made her feel better. As the train pulled out of the station I waved to my Grampie and Aunty Zoe and felt very sad that I won't be seeing them for a long time, but I can't wait to see Daddy and I am very glad that Grannie is coming back to Australia with us too!

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