Fine Dining

Our Mozart concert last night was an outstanding success. The orchestra and conductor were in period costume and gave us 2 hours of music from Mozart's various symphonies as well as arias from Don Giovanni, Figaro and the magic Flute sung by soloists.
With a standing ovation, we had encores of the Blue Danube Waltz and the Rodetzky March, both which seem to epitomise Vienna for us and gave Strauss a look in.

Today was hot and sunny and made walking to the museum district via the Stadt Park with its golden statue of Strauss and the Burggarten, with a rather less flamboyant one of Mozart, very pleasant.

On the way home we stopped for a cake for His Lordship and an ice cream for the Lady at a sit-ootery, followed by a beer later for HL at this old pub and restaurant which I am reliably informed was built in 1500. We will be dining there tonight.

How I wish hotel rooms didn't have those huge mirrors, particularly in the bathrooms, which force you to recognise the curves it is possible to ignore under winter sweaters. Things will have to change..........

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