North Meggetland

It's all go at Cigs HQ today.

After a leisurely breakfast, I roiled into work for 9; the home straight on the election duty thingy. Tea and biscuits done, we set to with - actually very little to do.

Tea break shortly after 10 and then lunch at 1230.

"What time do you want us back after lunch?"

"I don't want you back after lunch" was the reply.

An afternoon off! Before I cycled home and exercised my franchise by placing an X in the Cigs Party box on my ballot paper, I pottered off along the canal to see what I could find. (Obviously I knew there were some here, and I did (very briefly) ponder a ride to Ratho, but I stopped and got one of the 4 behind Tesco on Colinton Road)

That done, I'm now packing for a night in the Callater Stable on Saturday - sleeping bag, pots and pans, bbq, beans, torch etc.

And time for a snooze before 3 hours overtime and then evening election duties before I can see if I lost my deposit. Again.

White paint on canal bridge, underlined, no date but certainly 13 as all the others here are of that vintage.

Vote Cigs!

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