Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Senile? Moi?

Archie had a doctor's vet appointment this morning (a booster shot), but I had to postpone it till tomorrow... It was I (It was me?) who needed seeing to this morning!

The uncomfortable 'sore back' I had all evening, suddenly developed into excrutiating pain when I went to bed - I could hardly breath. It was like someone had a hold of my insides and was twisting them every few seconds. JR consulted Dr Google, and yes, it seemed that I had developed a kidney stone. Another in my catalogue of non-life threatening maladies...

I did eventually have a few hours sleep, but was woken again at 1am. I tried to get to the kitchen to get a drink, but I could barely walk, so painful was each breath. I rang NHS24, who took details and said they'd ring me back. An hour and a half later, my symptoms had subsided, and I rang NHS24 to say not to bother ringing back, I thought I'd make it till the morning.

JR stayed home to drive me to the doc's in case I just couldn't walk. I'm not sure doctors like patients staggering in saying, 'I know what's wrong with me!'  But a jab in the leg, some pain killers and a day on the sofa with a hot water bottle at my back, and a heavy dog on my front, and it seems to have come right. Fingers crossed.

We drove to the polling place to get that duty over with. To vote tactically, even for a party you don't like? Or vote for who's impressed in the run up but hasn't a scooby? One candidate made my decision easier by saying that pensioners were 'too senile' to vote! He obviously can't be sane.

My telescopic ladder arrived! And what a thing of beauty it is. It folds up really small, but will open out to reach my top windows. Now I can clean them, and paint them when the mood takes me.

Archie used to be able to balance things on his nose, but he just flatly refused today. More practice needed, young man.

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