CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Union Canal and Polworth Parish Church

A bright, sunny day.

I stayed up very late to watch the coverage of the General Election count. To say the result in Scotland was stunning is an understatement of what happened. I have to admit I went to bed thinking that there would be a minority Labour Government which would be hoping for support from the other left leaning parties. I was very surprised when I awoke to find that we have ended up with a majority Conservative Government. Still, Scotland's decision will have to be taken note of in the days to come.

We set off back to Edinburgh to deliver our Granddaughter home since she had to start work in the afternoon. Just beside the Care Home where she is currently working runs the Union Canal, so Eleanor and I had a short walk along the bank. I was rather struck by this section, with the Parish Church of Polworth sitting on the other bank.

We had a great holiday, but time now to get ready for Church on Sunday, when I am leading the service and Eleanor is preaching.

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