feet well travelled

By feettravelled

So today I woke up having had a great long sleep but still tired. The 2 days of travelling is kicking in now! It was so great to have banana's company this morning to fill that lonely time that I felt when I woke up.

We went together to her church and I enjoyed hearing the joyous sounds of Bemba (the local language) worshipping. After church we went for nshima (the local staple food which banana and i LOVE). The flavours and tastes are always delicious and the company was great too!! We also enjoyed some mirinda (the Zambian version of Fanta) and doesn't it taste better coming out of a bottle!

had a really embarassing muzungu (white person) moment today when i totally couldnt speak to this guy in bemba and couldnt remember how much kwacha (zambian money) to give him when he was telling me. i felt like a fish out of water....lets hope it all comes back to me asap!!

Then we ventured on a bike ride again, this time visiting some fellow British people for a lovely afternoon of tea and cake! Felt the Queen would have approved!

also, had a sweet reunion with my Zambian family....happy days!!
It does feel natural to be back here.

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