Looking Forward...

By Fiono


This is my second trip to Austria in a month! After spending some time in Vienna I knew I had to return to see Salzburg.

While I was looking forward to seeing the town where Mozart was born, the musical theatre fan in me was very excited to retrace the steps of the von Trapps. I wandered around Nonnberg Abbey humming "How do you solve a problem like Maria?", hopped up and down the steps in the Mirabel gardens humming "Do-Re-Me" and posed by the gazebo where Liesl and Rolf sing "Sixteen going on seventeen". It was also quite sobering to see the concert hall they sang in before escaping Austria. There sadly wasn't enough time to find the palaces where the house scenes were filmed but it was also a miserable day to be wandering around gardens.

My day in Salzburg also involved wandering the old town, crossing bridges adorned in cliché padlocks (they're everywhere!), trying a Bosna - local version of a hotdog - and enjoying a piece of Sachertorte and hot chocolate in the confiserie where Mozart balls were invented. The marathon was on so a lot of the old town was cordoned off.

One day wasn't enough to see everything and I hope to come back here another time - hopefully when the weather is a bit better!

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