Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Two hours!

Popped to the hospital today for my 10:15 appointment. I was assured I'd be 'in and out'. Er... No. They insisted that I wait for the results of my blood test, which would be 'half an hour or so'.

TWO HOURS later, when the results came back, I was given my stomach jab (it doesn't hurt - sounds worse than it is). I asked if there was an alternative to waiting around for two hours. They said I'd be in a different clinic and will go straight home after the blood test, to be phoned later and told how much warfarin to take. Much happier with that arrangement!

However, the day has not been wasted. While JR took Archie up Blackford Hill, I extended my new ladder and cleaned the bay windows, which have been terrible for months. This will also enable me to paint the windows myself, instead of getting a man to do them.

I must say, I'm enjoying all the political analysis after the election. Also really enjoying 'Indian Summers'.

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