Would You.......

...........Want this on your wall?

Neither would I.

SWMBO is enjoying that new bed far too much!
Talk about Rip Van Winkle.

After she eventually dragged her lazy arse out of bed she announced that she wanted to go to the nightmare that is Ikea on a Sunday.
Is the "Ikea Mummy" an official breed? ..... new age hippy with kids either in a backpack (up to the age of 6) or running amok having never been told "No" in their life?
And why would anyone pick up a chipped glass and take it all the way to the (extremely busy) checkouts before asking if there were any more in stock?

THEN, she said she also wanted to go to the garden centre ........ at lunchtime!!!!

I was sorely tempted to buy a shovel in order to dig a shallow grave - for her and the 'Sunday Drivers' who really don't deserve to live.

Surely you think that a large café would have people clearing tables in double quick time to get the best throughput of paying customers.
Apparently not.
There were 2!
And they were very slow and inefficient.
Not helped by the fact that one of them could only just reach the table top (see 'extra photo').

Back home there was paintwork needing touched up, pictures needing hung, frames needing sprayed (and then apparently not being needed!!!)

I am now going to sit and watch the Grand Prix and relax.


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