Holiday cottage

My work had caught up with me today on both the PR business and the new one so had to head off in search of internet, coffee and meeting places.

Not yet found the charming coffee shops (one thing Wilmslow is lacking compared to Chorlton) so settled for Cafe Nero and a good Wifi connection.

Angus and Squidge played football in the new garden and ate cheese on toast in front of DVDs. Was jealous.

My sis Jo swung by this evening and couldn't hide her shock at our suburban house choice. She said she could see the potential though and compared it to our childhood home in Westwoodside. I suppose there is a part of my trying to recreate the happy days I spent in Lincolnshire as a child for Audrey and Jo pointing this out made me realise.

The house's original decor is starting to get me down already though (two days in, doesn't bode well). As grateful as I am that the previous owners left us curtains, part of me would prefer bare windows to the gloomy ones stealing all our natural light. And the less said about the colour of the walls the better!

"We'll just live in it like that for a while"

"We calling it a holiday cottage to make ourselves feel better"

I wonder if these words will come back to haunt me?

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