
By Instography

Dry run

Although there was bugger all dry about it. 

Up early to meet up with Greg and Graeme and head off to Dundee along the Fife coastal path. Well, that was the intention but the path is so shit that after cycling along the sandy edge of a golf course and getting brakes and chain full of sand, we gave up on the "path" and took to the road. A couple of flapjack stops and then it was Elie but the planned lunch in the Ship Inn was scuppered by the place being a wreck of refurbishment. So it was another five miles to Anstruther for fish and chips then (with the rain stopped and a friendly wind) on to St Andrews, Leuchars, through Tentsmuir Forest to Tayport and across the bridge to the station where we enjoyed the loveliest Guinness in the shittiest station bar. 73 miles all in, and we now know which bits of the bike fall off, which bags' straps fray into uselessness and how far the legs can manage in a day.

Knackered. It's not going to be fun cycling into work tomorrow. I might be a bit slow. But that's tomorrow. Tonight there's a beer that's been chilling in the fridge. 

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