Walking the dogs.....and cat!
I had an early start. An errant chicken - one of the 3 Jon brought up last night - had been spotted in the field at the bottom of the garden. They didn't stay long within their temporary plastic fencing yesterday, before making their escape!
By 9.30 I was up properly, and had spotted all three escapees, and tricked them back in to their run with the nifty use of corn as bait! Once they were in, I secured the fencing, and they had a happy day scratching and pecking.
Jon & I then took the dogs up the lane. After a short while, we noticed Ralph was following; in and out of the gardens, jumping out on us periodically, and meowing all the way. He is a chatty thing! He went into a hedge about half a mile up the road, and waited until we came back, then he bounced out on us about half an hour later! I love ginger cats. I have always had the most loving ginger cats, and Ralph is no exception.
The remainder of the day was spent doing jobs. I transformed my little summer house into a hobby room and planted more seeds. Jon boarded half the garage so that we can store more 'stuff'. We have plans to put a downstairs loo in the back of the garage eventually, so a hole will need to be cut in the wall for a door. We discussed the merits of a giant cat flap, a hobbit hole shaped door, and settled on a swivelling bookcase, like a kind of James Bond type thing. I wonder....we do have a lot of books!
I had made dinner for 6; mum & dad joined us for lasagne. Mum made a nice apple crumble. It was then all too soon before Mollie & Jon headed off back home. We had only had 23 and a half hours with them. It isn't long enough :-( and Jon is busy next weekend for cub camp, and the following weekend for the bushcraft event. It's going to be a long 3 weeks.
The chickens, Dotty, Minnie and Babs, are safely away in their house tonight, and I am heading to my bed very soon.
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