
A day which was once again dominated by losing something. I had planned, after eventually fixing my tire, to head off somewhere on the bike, park it up, and then go for a run to see some new scenery. I felt the need to do something a bit different. That plan was scuppered though by being unable to find the lock for the bike. Once again I searched the house high and low but to no avail. It's disappeared. This losing stuff is driving me nuts at the moment

After lots of dithering I ended up going for a run on the moor, which proved the right thing to do. The legs felt good and I found some speed. I actually felt like a runner for the first time in a very long while. This is taken on my favourite route up to the Cow and Calf, through the pines below Hangingstone Quarry. I love this path.

I feel like I've squandered the day rather, but I'm telling myself that perhaps the downtime has been good for me. It's going to be a hard week ahead.

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