LONG may She reign.

Gaffer still not the best of fettles, having been smittled by me. Also, being a wee bit of a closet Royalist, little was done most of the day.

Living on Wrinkly Road it would appear there are/were no parties in the offing so we sat and ogled the box most of the day, next best thing to being there and we also had better views and weather, not a drop all day.

Due to the angle of view I took it as a heaven-sent opportunity to try and improve my (So far) only Photoshop© nearly-skill.

Sorry about that, but it helped me no end.
The only link I have with the Old Lass is that it was June 2nd we immigrated  to Penrith.

A couple or so 1sts for me ...
First aquatic Bell-tower I've ever set eyes on, I'd have given my eye teeth for a play. No eye teeth left ... BUGGER!
Largest photo I've ever seen.
Most realistic "pantomime horse" ditto.
I learned recently that the bridge is not all SOLID stone: but today I, also, learned that it only opens as far as required for the particular boat/ship; except that when the Queen is aboard it opens to its full extent of 80˚ even if she's in a kayak.

What skill next Marra?

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