Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Room with a View...

After Arlo went to bed last night, The Dog & I sat up till Stupid O'Clock - drinking wine, talking rubbish and enjoying the first proper, non-allotment camp fire of the year.

It was amazing, roaring fire, the lap of the loch nearby, the flicker of campfires at the other side of the loch - we even had a few bats come and check us out.

I can't imagine a time when I feel more relaxed than round a campfire, cheeks glowing, wine flowing, kid in bed, snoring...

I'm so glad we stayed up though, Arlo and Bry treated me to a long lie this morning so I didn't feel too deprived (considering we're up at 5am most mornings with Ida, sleeping in till 9.30am is a huge, huge, huge lie in). Also, our fire tonight wasn't nearly as satisfying. The wind whipped up shortly after this picture was taken and we were continually blasted in the face with wind or fire smoke. We took ourselves off for an early night (9.30pm!!!) and a mammoth 10 hour kip.

Amazing. Camping, eh? Vive La Campamping!

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