Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Great Granny and The Neep

After packing up from our brilliant camping trip we zoomed down the road to pick up The Neep and then on to my Granny's jubilee party.

It wasn't quite what I expected. Given that a) my Granny is a total party girl, and b) the last royal party she threw (the wedding - Wills and whatsername) kicked up the whole street with music and a BBQ and neighbours getting tipsy and all sorts of brilliant stuff, this one was more 'Father Ted' than 'ASBO neighbourhood bash', but there you go - you win some, you lose some!

Still, it was great to see my Gran and she was in her element with her friends and family around her all celebrating the Queen being brilliant and all that, ken?!

So - here we are. Back in Edinburgh. Kids in bed. Some punk documentary on the telly. Load of washing spinning about in the machine. Glass of vino sitting in front of me. Oh yeah! And Arlo's got chicken pox, but he thinks it's midge bites so that's cool.

Love going camping - love getting home again.

Night Night, Blipland x

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