I love being a mom to this kid.  He and daddy treated me to a family hike today (a challenging one for him) to celebrate Mother's Day.  It's been a while since we've done a big hike with little man, and it was quite entertaining.  Full of words, that boy is and he kept conversations going the entire time.  This is a hike Isaac and I would do often in college, so it's fun being able to bring our son along years later.  This morning, Alex gave me a few thoughtful and adorable Mother's Day cards and a new stepping stone he made for my garden with colorful glass pieces and his handprint.  We had fun walking around the garden putting his hand in the different stones he has given me over the years, finding that his hand has grown a lot!  It was a wonderful Mother's Day and not only do I feel very loved, I also feel incredibly blessed to have the family I have.  

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