
By Angelique


This is the first capture with my new camera that Mr A has given me as a Wedding Anniversary present.  It is a Nikon Coolpix L330 and I'm hoping it will help me take better closeups.

It has been great us both enjoying a coffee in bed this morning, relaxing as much as possible before contacting the Solicitor/Estate Agent etc.  Still waiting for our purchaser's Solicitor to stop 'faffing' about.  Tomorrow we are hoping to go down to Langurra Meadow End (name of the house) to measure up for curtains.

The picture is of Jazzmin trying to hide in the flowers underneath the bird table.  They of course know she's there but it doesn't deter her.  The extra photo is of my Montana Clematis which as we all know is tumbling everywhere at the moment.

Still waiting, still hoping.  Hope you all have a good Monday.  On the plus point, I'm not sitting in a dark office - yippee.

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