
By cracker

New start

Today Spence started again at his old school. We changed him from the private school 300metres from our house at the beginning at this year and sent him to a state school. For a few reasons, but mostly social. We found though at the state school this year that the academic side of it wasn't enough for Spence who is pretty smart.

He said to us the other day 'It's like I did Year Two last year and I'm doing Year One this year'! That wasn't really what we wanted to hear! So after a few chats to the teacher (who said 'We are doing the best we can but with 25 kids in the class, it's hard to set a program for each of them. It would be a shame to lose Spencer to another school'), we decided to send him back!

We figure, hopefully we can teach him the social skills he needs to make good choices around the kids instead of trying to teach him the academic stuff he should be getting from the school!

Anyway, he had a great day, 'it was awesome!' The other kids were excited to see him back and the teacher is fantastic!!

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