one day in France

By Frenchtoast


I've got into a routine of walking the fields around my friend's house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, sometimes she comes with me and sometimes she doesn't. My other friend with the black spaniel is away at the moment, so she wasn't there and it was a quiet walk today, as her dog is a bit yappy.
When we returned, we saw a cat making it's way into L's barn, and we saw a little cat-sized path leading behind the hay bales, and heard some squeaky mewing, so we waited and eventually three little kittens popped out from behind the hay!
Mummy cat wasn't too pleased that we had discovered her hiding place and sat hissing at us. L wasn't too pleased that she was going to be overrun with cats, and I went out to buy mummy cat some food, as she's very hungry!

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