Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A bright and sunny day

Luke had the day off work so we went up to London as we had some things to do. The forecast was a for a summer's day so I duly wore sandals and painted my toenails! Actually, London wasn't very sunny - it was warm and humid but rather cloudy, but we came back home to glorious sunshine.

I had planned to take some photos in London but in our rush for the train - we made it by seconds, with me pleading for the conductor to hold the doors open for a few more seconds while Luke ran from parking the car - I forgot my camera in the car. So no London photographs today, but these sweet little daisies in our lawn looked lovely in the sunshine when I got home.

I am enjoying the post election news, it is more interesting than before the election. It is very loyal of UKIP to reject Nigel Farage's resignation, and I was not surprised that the prime minister has included Boris Johnson as best he could - I fully expect Boris to be given a big role once his term as mayor is over.

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