Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

London V

Today was my friends 40th birthday. I had treated him to a rail tour, which followed the route of Sir Winston Churchill's funeral train 50 years ago, from Waterloo, through Reading and Oxford to Hanborough. Our train continued onto Worcester where we spent a very pleasant couple of hours looking around the town and having a really nice leisurely lunch to celebrate my friends birthday.

We got back on our train and headed home via Cheltenham, Bristol and Bath and then through the vale of Pewsey, where we saw two of the White Horse's carved into the hillsides.

We arrived back at Waterloo at about 9.30pm, and we dropped off our bags and headed out for a walk to stretch our legs and to see London lit up.

As part of the VE Day 70th Anniversary weekend of events there were several 'search lights' stationed around London, and they shone into the night sky to create big illuminated V's. Very impressive indeed.

Please have a look at my blip for yesterday for a flavour of the Spirit of '45.

My blips for the next week or so may be a bit random as I'm very busy and will be without wi-fi for periods.

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