Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Bargain Suppers

When I went to Tesco yesterday, I just happened to be passing the counter where they sell off food about to go out of date at the right time.  Just for once there was no-one else there as the girl was putting stuff out. 

I picked up a packet of free-range chicken breasts reduced to half-price, some nice salmon fishcakes, and a low-fat cottage pie.  A quick stroll down to the vegetable section netted me some mange tout,
mushrooms,  baby corn and a lovely mango, all going cheap. 

We had the cottage pie last night, the fishcakes with salad tonight, and I've made the chicken and some of the veg into a huge pot of curry for tomorrow.  The mango will be lovely with some yoghurt for breakfast.

Feeling very well fed, and virtuous!

Rotten day at work; phone rang until I was swearing under my breath (and sometimes not under my breath!), and I got absolutely nothing done that I had planned.  Eventually started something with spreadsheets that should have only taken a half an hour or so, and ended up staying an hour and a half late, because it just wouldn't work out. 

Hope tomorrow will be better. 

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