Working on my 10,000 steps

Wow, what a day.  It was hot and humid but I was determined to try out my new fitbit and my first challenge was to reach 10,000 steps.  Remember now that I haven't been all that active since hurting my back this past fall.  I do a walk here and there but I wasn't really pushing myself.

My sister has a fitbit too....actually both my sisters do.  We set the fitbit up to challenge each other to reach 10,000 steps.  I did over a two mile walk with my sister and combined with my other steps today, I showed an impressive number on my fitbit app on my iPhone. 
I took this photo on our walk.  Beautiful Irises with the white fence looked so nice.   Okay and I needed to catch my breath so it was a good excuse to stop walking for a minute.  The sun got to me a little while I was walking.  I felt a little dizzy at one point but I kept talking myself into going on and making it back to my sister's house. 

I leave there and head home which takes me about 40 mins.  I no sooner pull into the driveway and my phone buzzes and tells my that my sister has reached the daily goal!!!  I went in the house and called her and asked how that was possible.  She said she fed the dogs and felt bad that she hadn't walked them  so she took them for a short walk.  Well, now I was motivated!  I went out in my yard and I walked in circles until that little fitbit buzzed on my arm letting me know I had reach the goal.  Crazy?  Definitely.  Competitive?  Apparently!  Who cares, I did it.  I'm on my way. 

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