Gitama's World

By Gitama


Still feeling a bit wretched from yesterday...I spent most of the day sitting by the water.
I met a friend for coffee and after we went for a walk across the bridge.......the day was most glorious (after all the rain) and the water shone with diamonds of which I tried to capture to no avail .....just couldn't quite get the magic of it......however the magic soothed my spirit and it didn't really need to be recorded.

I was just about to jump into my car to go home when I felt to take another walk along the river........and there he was...he flew right in.... much to the dismay of the seagulls who had been basking in this spot quite happily...they had to move over .........the King of the River had arrived.

I sat on the bank of the river and just happily snapped away and watched him and all the wondrous things surrounding for the next couple of hours...I cancelled an appointment..It felt very important to just sit with the day and the pelican and all the sparkles from the sun on the water.

I played around with this a bit......My eyesight is not so good and I think that's why I like to crop things so tightly..... I also wanted to make this beautiful guy pop out and feature especially as he was doing such a graceful dance.
If you look at the seagulls behind him you will notice that both of them have only one leg each....we have some pretty ferocious fish in these neck of the woods/waters and they don't go down without a fight.

He is lovely Large.

I wish you all a happy (partial) Lunar Eclipse for us here in Australia it will start at 8pm and be into full swing by 9pm....going out for a peek now.

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