Today, Thursday it is raining.  How different to the glorious blue skies of yesterday, pictured here at the top of Beacon Field.

The weather today reflects how I feel.  If we don't exchange contracts by lunch time today, we lose our removal slot of next week.  They are then fully booked until June, which means 1) I will have to move after our relaxing holiday and 2) will I have anywhere to go?.  The Landlord of Langurra has been extremely patient with us, can he wait another 4 weeks?

All this stress and uncertainty has effected me and I woke in the night with the pain in my joints.  Fibromyalgia is a horrible condition with no obvious signs of the pain only to the recipient.  I have given the whole matter over to Mr A who will now have to deal with it.

This morning, we have electricians taking down our special lights and replacing with the usual.  We are leaving some behind which our Purchaser (if it ever happens) has paid for.

The other photo is the garden of Langurra where we hope to spend many happy hours entertaining our friends and family.

I am sorry I have burdened you all with my troubles.  If it gets any worse I will stop blipping until I have something more positive to report.

Hugs to you all.

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