In My World

By JoanneInOz

After the rain

The sun was back with a vengeance today, so out I went with my camera, click, click, clicking every which way!

I think I took a total of about seventy photos outdoors throughout the day, even spending about an hour pruning some bushes in the garden.

Miss Tibbs, my cat owner and I had a lovely walk down the back of our her garden, with me returning after admiring the ripening mandarines on the tree.

Miss Tibbs told me she would be back at the house in her own good time! (She is recovering from cabin fever, you know.)

The beach was simply beautiful this morning. I stopped off at Currumbin Beach on the Gold Coast, after dropping my son off at school.

The photo I chose for today shows the simplicity of the sunshine's return, the bare branches of a winter tree, sparkling water and the amazing blue sky.

I hope the sun has been shining in your world today too. :)

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