It's Been A Funny Old Day !

This morning.I set out to pick up a prescription, but I was so cold I went back home first, to put on a jumper and warmer coat. Then, on the bus, I missed my stop as I was admiring this lovely white guide dog and ended up in town. By then it was pouring with rain so I went in Whittard's to taste their hot chocolate selection and bought the 70% cocoa.Tried to put my umbrella up but it got stuck so I sort of draped it over my head. Took one picture of the rain soaked market square  just as the camera battery ran out, i hadn't brought the spare as I only intended to go to the chemist in the first place. Went to buy some ink for my printer but forgot which number as it's a new one. Decided to go home and start again tomorrow, but I just missed my bus then the one which goes to my doctor's turned up so went and got my prescription.After catching two more buses,I eventually arrived home. All I had to show for the day was a broken umbrella. a tin of cocoa, three boxes of pills, and a streaming, sneezing cold. Oh, and I have to go to town again tomorrow to the opticians! Hope the weather is a bit better than in my extra photo..

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