Plus ça change...

By SooB

The days are just packed

And so are we. Off on a mini-break to cheer us up while Mr B is away. Somehow the week is ok, whether because we're busy or just used to him being away then, but these endless long May weekends are unthinkable.

So, TallGirl had school all day, which she was quite happy about as this afternoon was Friday afternoon lessons - her favourite. Then the usual round of Wednesday activities interspersed with planting hundreds (ok, dozens) of tomatoes - necessitating clearing, digging and composting the patch; much washing, ironing and packing; and repotting a thousand (ok, 50) sunflowers at the school.

Then all the pots at home to put in the shade in a leaky paddling pool with a hap over some of the leaks. It may seem excessive for a long weekend away, but I get very protective of plants I've raised from seed - and also feel rather guilty that they aren't all safely in the ground by now.

Off course, immediately after I had finished 2 hours of garden watering and paddling pool installation, the sky clouded over with the look of a sky that would rain for a thousand years. I fully expect to come back and find that the lizards have constructed an ark.

And finally, after a burst of admin for school was done, at 1am the holiday began (with sleep).

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