Local beer
An early start... But on schedule the house was locked up, all kids and bags were in the car and I even remembered to put the rubbish in the communal bins (normally I forget and have to try and ram it in an airport bin).
Odd flight, with air steward in cockpit and second air steward crying...
And then a very rainy Bristol. And then an exceptionally rainy and tortuous route from the Google maps lady to a supermarket. Then more rain (the zero visibility type) and a lot of Cornish roads that I swear were narrower than the car.
And finally, just as we saw the sea, the sun came out and we arrived in Tintagel for a stroll, some shop browsing, and some local IPA. (It's a half, btw. Don't know why I feel the need to point that out. Actually, about the same amount as the glass of wine I was served with dinner. Yikes.)
Long ft with Mr B and now sleep is very welcome.
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