the edges of my life

By raej


I had better photos from today but I liked this one - the bears sometimes get these locally made brooms to play with as part of their enrichment programe... Vandrew was in totally ecstasy with his - rubbing it all over his body - just lying there with it draped on him - then back to play
I've seen him do this before with wood when lying in a wood pile
Vandrew is a special bear I've talked about before - missing his entire right front leg (unusual as the snare usually catches them lower - it's even possible he was snared twice in the wild after healing the first time...) - and has only one eye.... and he makes up for all of this with a huge zest for life
not to say life is a bed of roses for him now - he still has rub marks on his forehead from his repeated stereotypic head swaying when in the bile farm cage... and occasionally he reverts to some stereotypic behaviour with us, especially if anxious .... but on the whole he is a happy soul
if I had the photoshop skills I could have make you royalists happy and had him waving the flag about :)

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