The Firepit

My usual Friday night plans were changed this week, as we had a planned night out from work.

You may remember me saying a couple of weeks ago, that Lesley was back from maternity, which meant we had to say goodbye to Joanne & Leanne. Tonight was a get together for all of us to say thanks and goodbye.

The meal was good, but service really let the place down. We waited a good half an hour for drinks (they lost the order) and an hour for food.
We were starving when it finally arrived!

It's a very meaty place, lots of ribs, burgers and steaks. The boss opted for the 'steak on a stone'; he said if he'd have known he had to cook his own steak, he would have gone into the kitchen and done it to save the hour long wait! Hahahaha :-D

It's somewhere that Mr A and I have said we will go to, I'll just have to remember not to be too hungry before I go next time :-0

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