
By DramaQueen

Tiny terror

Mr A had to be up early for work this morning, so I had an extra hour in bed then went to the gym. Yes. Me. At the gym. On a Sunday!
I almost had the place to myself as there were only 2 others working out, plus the PT who was cleaning.

After a much needed shower and lunch, I called at my Mum's to catch up with her and commence my second workout of the day with Theo.

We played skittles, football and attempted catch (he can't catch for toffee!), before he decided he'd help Grandma water the plants.
After whizzing his ball over the wall, he thought it would be a hoot to try and water Gant as well!! Little bugger.

While all this was going on, there was a more serious threat happening over in Manchester. Mr A messaged me to say the stadium was being evacuated due to a bomb scare!!

Hopefully it was just a hoax and luckily everyone was evacuated safely, but not at all what you'd expect at the last game of the season.

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