The Railway Children

It has been an incredibly busy week at school being SATs week. However, in Year 2 we do the tests in small groups over the coming weeks. So I have been taking the groups out to do them.

A welcome treat to finish our week, myself and two friends from school went to see The Railway Children at Kings Cross Theatre, a pop up theatre by the station. The theatre is set up as a station with the audience either side of the platform and a REAL steam train arriving during the performance. The whole experience was just fabulous, the setting, the cast meeting and greeting you as you arrived and singing happy birthday to some younger guests, were all just brilliant. I thoroughly recommend it, for all ages! A bargain ticket we found on Groupon for £12, and there were quite a few seats empty too. Sadly we were not allowed to take any photos inside the theatre :-(

Have a super dooper weekend ;-)

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