
A bit of a more cheerful image than the one yesterday for today.

When I checked the weather forecast this morning, it said that it was gonna be dry and sunny. However, when I left the flat to go to work, it was raining. I took the bus because I was running a bit late and it was still raining a little bit when I got off. Luckily, the sun decided to make an appearance as I was walking across Princes St Gardens. Lucky me!

The weather's been pretty much the same all day after that: wind and showers and then sunshine, wind and sunshine and then showers and even at some point we had wind, rain and sunshine all at the same time! Crazy! Still far too cold for Spring!

Work was really busy but I conducted a tutored whisky tasting for a really nice group of people today, which made my day! :)

Hoping for better weather tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars yesterday. I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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