
By MamaOfBoys

Its here!!!!!!

This is Kanye's new trike! Its called black thunder.

It arrived today care of an anonymous donor who my ccs worker found.

So incredibly lucky to get this! It was made my trikes nz who custom make trikes mainly for disabled children. Its low, it has super stability and weighted at the back so it wont tip at all, not to mention it has a wee basket that i can see Kanye carting all his wiggles toys around.

Kanye had another trike that was built by Andres uncle but unfortunately it tipped quite often. At one point kanye went around a corner on it and the axle actually snapped off so its been sitting in our garage for a while, it wasnt very stable for him to ride.  I gave it to my mum, my stepdad fixed it and they will keep it there as they have a lot of grass so if it tips again he'll fall on grass.

Cant wait for Kanye to get home from school to ride it and see his big smile!

This trike was expensive so i'm very grateful to the donor for paying for it, i actually know who it is but i cant disclose it so i think i'll send them a thankyou card with a picture of him on it!

Wheeeee!!! Bike rides this weekend at the school i think!

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