
By MamaOfBoys

Tooth gone

Kanye hasn't been so good this week with seizures so he's been home.

This morning I figured I should brush his teeth having forgotten to do it yesterday. Only thing was when I did there was a lot of blood. I thought surely one day of not brushing wouldn't cause this much so I looked in his mouth.

He must have had a wiggly tooth and when I brushed it, it fell out. Not only that but the blood was from me brushing the fresh gum where his tooth only minutes ago sat. And the tooth? I searched his mouth for it but it looks like he swallowed it!

Poor kid, he was already upset through the tooth brushing fiasco but then upon seeing my shocked face cried even more.

He stood up to have a cuddle and said ' tooth gone'

Not the best start to the day...

But I caught this of him loving our rabbit who is very tolerant of Kanyes thump like pats.

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