
By Polly1972

Mexican night

The weather forecast had cancelled the Fisherfield plans, so I reminded the girls we'd promised them a Mexican night next time they were at mine.
I went for a run this morning, though it was hard work and the horrendous headwind didn't help!
When the gang arrived we had lunch of steak bridies and beans them walked down to the harbour and around the back of the headland en route to asda. Even there, they found somewhere to have fun and practised cart wheels on the grass, before we found a climbing frame that kept them busy for a wee while.
After getting provisions, we headed home and cooked a Mexican feast of chicken fajitas, Apple chilli salsa, and mojitos for us and virgin mojitos for the girls. They loved their cocktails, especially as I'd got fun straws and stirers in the wk. We finished off with a few games of mexican train before bed.

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