
By Kaysha

3, it's the magic number

This morning started with Miss A creeping through to our room and whispering 'Is it my birthday yet?' Yes darling, it is and a very, very happy birthday to you!

After breakfast and a skype chat with Gran and Grandad it was back down to the serious business of present opening. Lots of lovely gifts from people near and far and the pièce de résistance, a balance bike. She hopped on and took a few steps with it - so far so good. Then she got off the bike, dropped it and it fell on her little toe. The very brief love affair with the bike was now well and truly over - she didn't touch it again all day. The Tinkerbell costume, on the other hand, only came off at bathtime - a clear winner.

A couple of Miss A's friends came round for a playdate in the afternoon while the mums caught up over pizza and pink fizz. A lovely afternoon, one which obviously tired the kids out as Miss A and little D crashed straight after their bath without any fuss - and that was after little D's 4 and a half hour afternoon nap too.

Think they've got the right idea so I'm heading to bed too - no fuss whatsoever.

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