
By Mindseye

Teddy Bears Picnic

Woke up to more rain and heavy skies this morning.....but we were up and on the road by 9.30 as we had promised to visit some good friends following a health scare. It was good to see them looking well and on the road to recovery. After that we dropped off some design plans for our daughters new kitchen and eventually got home around 3pm........so first things first, a bite to eat for a very late lunch!

We stopped off briefly at a local garden centre, they sell home produce and later in the year, a great variety of pick your own.
I spotted these bears, which are made on site, sitting in front of their mixed veggie boxes that can be bought for a pretty good price. I thought their vacant expressions were quite amusing....a bit like see no evil, hear speak no evil, hear no evil....or something like that ;-)

I did a mountain of washing this afternoon too, ( well you know what I mean, I didn't actually drag it down to the river and rub it over the stones by hand!!!) the dryer is working overtime, no chance of drying outside! I cleaned the windows in the kitchen and the patio doors, then made a chicken thigh dish, with red onions, chilli, peppers, garlic, small potatoes and cherry tomatoes, all thrown in one roasting tray together.......Jamie Oliver recipe,I think....was very nice :-)

I'm uploading this, whilst waiting for some diagnostic tests to run their course on the laptop, which keeps playing up, so am having a go at sorting.........well, worth a try!

Weather is,supposed to be better tomorrow so might be a garden our outdoor blip tomorrow, fingers crossed ;-)

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