A cross with nails

I had a day off today. I had a few things to do and I wanted to meet a friend for coffee as well, so I tried to get up reasonably early, not 11.00am as I normally do, haha! :)

I went to the gym in the morning and then I met my friend. We walked all the way from Ocean Terminal to The Shore, as the weather was nice and sunny by then, although a bit windy.

It was really nice to catch up with my friend. Then he walked me all the way home before taking a bus to go to work. On our way we stopped at a cemetery, where I took some pictures. This cross really drew my attention. A very unusual cross. Two sticks tied roughly together with a bit of rope and lots of nails on it. There was nothing else. I wonder what was the story behind it...

After that I did my shopping and other chores and I'm now relaxing. Back to work tomorrow :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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