Time for a break

It looks like this piper was taking a break. He was so absorbed on whatever he was looking at in his mobile phone that he didn't even notice me taking this photo, and I was very close to him!

Maybe he's so used to having tourists taking photos of him that, if he actually noticed me taking the photo, he didn't even mind, who knows, but he didn't raise his head from what he was doing at all.

Feeling tired, cranky and a bit down after a very long day at work. I just got back home and this is why I'm posting this so late. Maybe that's why I finally settled for the mono version. Not in the mood for colour...

I'm sure I'll feel better after a good sleep. Off tomorrow!

And only four days to holidays! Can't wait, believe me! I do really need them!!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday. I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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