
By AlexDarke

A Nice End To A Bad Day

I was in a stinking mood all day today. I feel sorry for Suzanne as I'm not good company. It started off with a mega rant with Darren. His usual over reactiveness parked with my stubbornness are not a good combination. Especially when I'm tired and it's first thing in a morning. Then I was late to the meeting in Wakefield, although it did go really well and I managed to stay out of the buzz word bingo. Then into Huddersfield for Gracie birthday present shopping. I wasn't really in the mood, but managed to get her a few bits which i think she'll like. 

Then home to work hell. My laptop didn't want to play and dropbox took 7 hours to upload. It was horrible and I was tired, frustrated and generally snappy and pissed off all afternoon/evening and night.

Thankfully my loved one softened my mood by bringing me a big healthy feast. The silver lining to a horrible grey cloudy moody day. 

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