the colour green

By jukeys

cherry season

Lots to do today. Pierre went to get his car MOT-ed. It passed! Whilst he was away, I made cannelloni for us to eat tomorrow :)

Then over to Faucon for a few hours, and then home to iron and get the place ready for tomorrow - Air BnB provide a free professional photography service! Not quite sure how they do it, but we've decided to go for it!

In the midst of all this, I took Coquine out for a walk and France and Gérard's cherry trees are ready to eat! Woo hoooooo! They always say to us to help ourselves so I took a few handfuls and ate them there and then in the field. So, so good.

At the dinner table tonight, our neighbour's little girl, Cassandra, came to the window with a massive bag of cherries for us! Gonna make clafoutis tomorrow for dessert after the cannelloni. Mum's coming for lunch so should be a good day :)

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