Spiraea x vanhouttei

A nice ice white shrub ideal for the back of the border & is in flower now as you can see...

Cut the front hedge this morning then planted up the bedding also at the front. Had a sit down and lunch in the sun & then I cut the lawn.

C & her friend Mary went to Bicester Village & Bicester Avenue for a nose around & lunch.

A lovely warm day, with lots of bees & small pale blue butterflies that wouldn't stay still long enough to be photographed.

Remembering WWII's Operation Dynamo when over 300,000 allied troops (the Allies Expeditionary Force) were rescued from France by a flotilla of small boats & ships. At the time Churchill described it as a miracle of deliverance especially when it was thought that only 45,000 would be rescued.

A number of commemorative ceremonies taking place today & I was lucky enough to see a Spitfire fly over me today. I got a couple of shots off but he was travelling low & quick so not much chance of a decent picture (2).

Don't forget its Red Nose Day in the USA !

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