Sea Lions at Pier 39

I had a great flight with no delays, and arrived in San Francisco at 6.45pm last night, and although I didn't manage to sleep on the flight, but surprisingly I felt quite awake. Alan met me at the airport and once we'd checked in to our hotel and unpacked, we went down to the bar for a drink, but by 11pm I needed to go to bed as I'd been awake for over 24 hours by this point.  I fell asleep almost straight away but I was awak by 4.30am!

After an early breakfast we walked down to Fisherman's Wharf and went to see the Sea Lions at Pier 39 -  It was great watching them play, and the noise they make is fantastic. 

Although it started off cloudy this morning, it was sunny and warm by lunch time and we had lunch sat outside Boudins Bakery where we had clam chowder served in a sourdough bread basket which was delicious.

This afternoon we walked for miles - up Lombard Street which was extremely steep, and at the top of it, it's very twisty!  Then we walked back down to the beach, round the breakwater to take photos of Alcatraz and then up to Ghirardelli Square where we sat at a winery for a cheeky glass of wine.  It's been a great day and we've seen so much and I've put some more photos in my 'extras' if you want to have a look.

We're now going to go and get something to eat, but I think it'll be an early night tonight!

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